Sunday, May 23, 2010


I've been prompted by a friend to revisit the classic British sitcom Allo Allo. Set in Nouvion, France during the war, Cafe Rene is the hub of all sorts of antics with cafe owner Rene Artois and his tone deaf wife Edith as they entertain the German troops whilst working with the Resistance hiding airmen, smuggling paintings and having various affairs.

It actually holds up well - the slapstick and farce aren't tired and because it's period piece, it hasn't dated too much. The cast is superb - I adore Vicki Michelle as slutty waitress Yvette who is having an affair with Rene. I love Michelle from The Resistance who coined the catchphrase "Leesen very carefully - I shall say zees only wans" and Officer Crabtree - the British policeman who thinks he has a perfect French accent. The cast is rounded off with great comedians who deliver line after line of ridiculousness. I can't believe they chased the Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies for 9 series! If you don't know about The Fallen Madonna, I suggest you pick it up with some wet celery and immerse yourself in Cafe Rene and all it's delights. I'm currently getting through an episode every night or so, such is the fabulousness of the show.

It kept audiences entertained for years and in 2007 there wasa reunion starring Gorden Kaye, Vicki Michelle, Kirsten Cooke and many others. You have been watching.......

1 comment:

deemacgee said...

'Allo 'Allo was a great, great series, I must concur.