Blanche Deveraux - the Souther hussy, think Scarlett O'Hara with a couple of grandkids and a wide vagina
Dorothy Zbornak - Supply teacher, divorced, cynical, think drag queen
Rose Nylund - Naive and simple but nice all round from a bizarre town called St Olaf. Think Julie Andrews in Sound of Music minus the Nazis.
Sophia Petrillo - Rude, very funny. Think Tony Soprano without the weight problem.
They supported each other, fought and loved each other. Sophia was Dorothy's mother who whenever she got out of hand, Dorothy threatened to ship her back off to Shady Pines retirement home. It ended with Dorothy marrying Leslie Nielsen's character and the others running a hotel in The Golden Palace which spun off - it was pretty shit but The Golden Girls was fab. As it's a specialty of mine, here's some quotable quotes!!!

Blanche: What do you think of my new dress? Is it me?
Sophia: It's too tight, it's too short, and it shows too much cleavage for a woman your age.
Dorothy: Yes, Blanche. It's you.
Blanche: I treat my body like a temple
Sophia: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night!
Sophia: I found my lucky handkerchief
Rose: Where was it?
Sophia: It was in my bra
Rose: What was it doing in your bra?
Sophia: I was blowing my breasts, Rose!
Sophia: There's just something I don't like about him. i can't put my finger on it, but if I did, I'd have to wash it.
Rose: Tell me, is it possible to love two men at the same time?
Blanche: Set the scene, have we been drinking?
Dorothy: Why can't you sleep on the couch and give Clayton and Doug your room?
Blanche: Are you crazy?! What will the neighbours think if they see two men in my bedroom?
Sophia: They'll think it's Tuesday
Rose: Cooking, Dorothy?
Dorothy: No Rose, I'm developing pictures for the Magellan Space Program
Dorothy: Ma, you couldn't sleep either?
Sophia: No I was sleeping so well I thought I'd try it in the sink
Rose: We should put out the welcome mat
Blanche: But honey, we don't have a welcome mat
Rose: What about the one that Dorothy says is at the bottom of your bed?!
Sophia: Haven't you got any decent nectarines?
Clerk: You're crazy, this nectarine is beautiful! I've never seen a more perfect piece of fruit
Sophia: Oh yeah? Then try kissing my behind... It's a real peach!
Blanche: I'm wound up tighter than a girdle on a Baptist minister's wife at an you can eat pancake breakfast
Rose: Hi Blanche
Blanche: Must you always be so cheerful, you empty headed Mary Poppins knockoff
Ted: I do hate hotels
Blanche: I know, the way they charge you for the whole night when you're only there a few hours... Umm... my roommate Dorothy told me that - she's a slut
Rose: Penny for your thoughts Sophia
Sophia: You're stupid, and that's on the house
Rose: I would have died if I'd ever caught my parents having sex
Dorothy: You never walked in on them?
Rose: Once. But they were only playing leap-frog
Dorothy: Listen, do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck?
Rose: No, but you do look like the woman who used to drive it.
Dorothy: Ma, I don't snore
Sophia: Please, I had to turn you away from the window so you wouldn't inhale the drapes
Rose: I remember the time when -
Dorothy: Excuse me Rose, do I have the time to go out and get hit by a bus?
Dorothy: Now look, all this nonsense has to stop Rose. What we saw was not a UFO Rose
Rose: Well it wasn't a plane. Planes aren't that thin. Or that bright
Dorothy: Neither is Oprah Winfrey but that doesn't make her a flying saucer
Blanche: Girls, how does this dress look on me?
Sophia: What's the difference? In half an hour it'll be crumpled up on the floor next to an empty bottle of Jack Daniels
Sophia: Jealousy is a very ugly thing Dorothy! - And so are you in anything backless!
Rose: Ned was sort of the town idiot
Sophia: When, on your days off?
Sophia to Blanche after Dorothy goes on vacation leaving Blanche in charge: Fasten your seatbelt, slutpuppy, this ain't going to be no cakewalk!!
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