Monday, April 04, 2005


I went back to work today and it was a cunt with a capital K. I woke up this morning at 4.30 and couldn't bloody sleep so naturally watched Sex And The City Season 6 where Miranda prefers Tivo to Steveo and Carrie and Berger have bad sex. I can relate, I know I've been bollocks in bed sometimes but never so bad that I've heard people get on the bus.

Work was beyond pants aswell, it's like I've never been away and I hate how I have to censor myself sometimes - maybe I am too open but I'd sooner be forward speaking that all blah and repressed. So the holiday blues are bluer than blue than blue is blue. It's torture! I want to click my heels 3 times and be taken to G bar or XL in Chelsea whispering to myself 'there's no place like home' I am now on a mission to find a holiday for next year - I'm a huge scheduling fan so organising my next jaunt is well underway. NYC will naturally have to appear again. If only to see Fash Mag this time, I could kick myself for not hooking up with him and trawling about with that fashionista hag!

So to brighten up my day and yours here's a pic of hottie Dean Phoenix, he's a hot porn star who looks like he'd pull your hair and call you bitch at the right time and then tell you he wants to be your boyfriend!


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