Saturday, May 21, 2005


I'm reading another of TrashAddict's recommendations, Lucia Rising which is an omnibus of 3 of the 'Lucia' novels written by EF Benson. It portrays English genteel country life in the 1920s. Lucia rules the village and has her subordinates - Daisy Quantock who's a bit tubby and Georgie, the most effeminate bachelor ever created in fiction. It's all jolly golly hockeysticks and very funny as Lucia maintains her position as Queen of Riseholme, the town where she stays. It's pretty turgid but very enjoyable so taking a while to get through a chapter at a time. It reminds me in a different manner of 'Les Liasons Dangereuses' by Laclos which is one of the best books ever written. The series of letters shows a truly inspirational and devious mind and one which I must say I aspire to!

Jon and Cam came round last night before heading out and Cam made some Mojitos and some rather strong vodkas. I pulled a guy after quite a bit of eye contact whom I thought at first was straight thanks to his suit but turns out he was as gay as the day who had a fascination for Barbra Streisand. He also had a thing for dry riding which although I'm not a fan, I can tolerate. This morning after a rather heavy session I was so exhausted and he said he had to cum so he literally fucked the mattress and sprayed his muck over me. For such a small guy in height, he had plenty of spunk! He was a French and Spanish teacher who had only been out for a few months and had taken some of his teacher pals out to Polo for a night. We then went back to his friend's house in the sticks - the friend was having an affair with another teacher who was also married. We ended up in his kid's playroom doing all sorts of unspeakable things and to be honest it did feel kind of wrong to be getting fingered when there were Harry Potter posters on the wall but somehow I managed to get over that and enjoy the digits.

More fun than the other week when a guy wanted me to give him head but he wanted to wear a condom. Now I'm all for safe sex definitely for anal but for oral sex I like to taste the cock, the way I see it is - if I wanted to suck on latex, I'd suck on my marigold gloves!


Lubin said...

Hang in there with Lucia - it really comes into its own when she moves to Tilling and meets her (almost) match in the form of Miss Mapp - a total monster. That's when the battle really commences.

Anonymous said...

You really are a shallow skank.

Anonymous said...

Who keeps leaving the posts calling Caress a skank? Obviously some prude (loosely quoting Samantha Jones) who needs a dick in their touche pronto! If you don't like what Caress has to say, stop reading. I personally love his blog, and much like waiting for weekly editions of heat, popbitch and holy moly, I can't wait to read the next one!! And considering that this site has had over 7000 hits, your the one clearly in the minority.

Anonymous said...

No one should necessarily live like a cloistered monk, but there's nothing even vaguely impressive about shallow promiscuity regardless of gender and sexuality. It's ugly and trashy behaviour. Blogs exude a certain voyeuristic fascination and insight into different personalities, even though you'd never want to meet these awful people.

The misguided appropriation of the mannerisms of various faghag icons - whether they be the likes of Judy Garland and Bette Davis or fictional characters like Alexis Colby and Samantha Jones - only acts as a smokescreen for a deeper malaise. That of a dysfunctional inability to initiate and sustain any kind of meaningful long-term relationship. The irony is that this kind of prima donna shtick is fine to watch in fictional melodrama, but it's repulsive when practiced in real life. The camp, tragic "diva" may secretly pine for genuine love and commitment, but what self-respecting person would go near someone if it means having to book a course of vaccinations first?

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the "no internal censor" posts on this blog were partly the inspiration for Jamie 4U, that sneering parody/critique of gay youth culture penned by waste-of-space academic/vile right-wing cunt Lubin "I've just signed my seventh book contract so I'm better than all of you, so there!" Odana.

Caress said...

How quaint a reaction from anonymous. He/she it's hit the nail on the head. I love how someone can be so pass remarkable and yet not even know me. This is MY blog and and I'll write whatever I want. If people want to take the time out of their more than pathetic lives to leave some cheeky comment to make themselves feel better about their probable predicament of staying in every night of the week in hope for not only a social life, but a sex life and decent personality then go for it and keep on posting negative comments. I, however will continue to write about whatever the hell I feel like. I never claimed that my behaviour was pretty and I don't apologise for it in the slightest. Maybe 'anonymous' is some guy I screwed around. Whatever bitch, get out of the bitter barn and play in the hay -

PS - Keep those comments coming hag because my readership's going up at an alarming rate. Now that's not skank or trash, that's because of me. I hope to keep you entertained in your life, it's probably the only enjoyment you get because you're an impotent vouyer, always the bridesmaid - never the bride and perpetual wallflower. What you need is an orgasm ASAP or maybe you just need to taste some cum - that always puts a smile on my face, especially when some drips off my chin!

Cheers dear


Anonymous said...

How can someone of great intellect(judgeing by them words used) also appear to have such bad judgement. Not only are you casting judgement over someone who you don't know, but also make yourself out in some respect to be a bit if a biggot.

Jaimie's intention is not glamourize promiscuity (nor does he practise it that often), but it what he has done in his life. Blogs are used as a diary of someone's life, and a way of getting to know other people.

You are completely right, that there are some awful people that you just wouldn't want to meet, someone so shallow minded, and misguided themselves by not realizing that what happens in "pop-culutre" doesn't necissarily parody what happens in real life. People make up their own minds. Wither to have the one night stand, or hang in there for your next great love. But could the one night stand turn in to the next great love. Live gives us many paths to choose from, right or wrong, it's certainly not for some stranger to comment. If looking for a life long partner is for you, then good luck to you, and I hope you get what you are looking for, not what I think you deserve, which since I'm not holding you in highest regard just now, would be a whole fat lot of nothing.

And f.y.i, Jaimie will maintain a long lasting relationshiop with those that love and understand him, and sincerely hope that all of my freinds find that special person to share great moments in their life, at the moment for me, that's my sista's and other close friends.

Long live Dirty Buiscuit!!

Cam, xcx

Anonymous said...

Hey Caress, get AIDS and die.


Anonymous said...

Right back at ya, cunt.

Caress said...

Oh the drama!!

Thanks Cam for the lovely comment. Some guys are just born vile and anonymous certainly is. Like the Murphys - he's not bitter!!
The crux is, he can write all he wants and if i'm totally offended i'll just delete it.

Anonymous said...

oh dear cassie, someone has a potty mouth eh, delete him, delete him!! I still think your THE funniest, lovely person i have ever met!


Anonymous said...

Cassie your blog has made me fall of my office chair with laughter more often than not over the last few weeks... take no notice of "Anonymous" as he/she is obviously in need of a good podgering. Your not glamourising promiscuity.. your just like the rest of the human race in that you have a sex life and i for one take a bow at the bravery of putting your sex life "out there". Take a bow sweety and stay on the stage for one more encore. "Anonymous" will no doubt have to watch from the sidelines on a sat nite, hanging outside the Polo Lounge at 3 am looking desperatley for a shag.


Russell x

Anonymous said...

Eh, not that I mean to steal Jaimie's thunder in this argument, but Alan, you have met me, havn't you?? I am deeply offended and the only way you can make it up to me is by speaking to that hubby of yours and getting him to put the rest of "lost" on DVD for me.

Thanks for co-operation on this matter.

Cam, xcx