Monday, January 09, 2006


Have been thinking all day about one of the most amazing and brilliant and astounding movies I have ever seen. I went with Cameron to see Brokeback Mountain. The story of these two ranch hands who fall in love in 1963 Wyoming and each year meet up at Brokeback Mountain to share their unrequited love for each other was both heartwarming and incredibly heartbreaking. I like to think of myself as a tough cookie but to see a movie like this that portrays love like that made me a bit of a wreck, so much so that at the end when the lights came up, I had to stay seated for a while to continue a bit of a sob.

The movie wasn't about the fact that it was 2 men falling in love with each other (although it helped) but by the end of it I just wanted the two to admit their feelings to each other but their stark emotions amidst the stark setting and times forbade them from doing it. Although they had other lives and families, they always had each other. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal put in simply amazing performances, both showing these men at their most true yet most hidden as they live separate lives. Michelle Williams from Dawson's Creek plays Ledger's wife and is again very good but nothing detracts from the feeling that this couple being together is so.... right.

It was touching scenes throughout the last hour or so of the movie that made me weep - Anne Hathaway's phone scene and Heath Ledger's subsequent visit were particularly stellar, I would love love this movie to win the Oscar's it deserves for Ang Lee and all concerned but I'm a cynical cow and the Hollywood wheels will be turning so some more conservative, less deserving movie with Meryl Streep will come to the fore!

After the movie ended, I looked around and saw a lot of people crying and the whole premise has kept me thinking all day, I just felt so desperate for love to be expressed although it was done so in symbolism and I thought that there must be millions of people who have gone through this type of situation where they lead separate lives. I would give all my heart to experience a love like between these two men as it truly was beautiful and I won't have fully lived until I feel so deeply about a person. It was magnificent. I've rambled on a bit here but I've had to stop myself from crying a bit a few times which shows how deeply this has hit me - For anyone who wants to be in love or is in love or has been in love, I only hope that we all have some sort of Brokeback Mountain because it's the kind of love that should be cherished forever.

1 comment:

Lost Boy said...

I read the short story of 'Brokeback Mountain' because they were giving a copy away with 'Time Out'.

It was good, but seemed so bleak and depressing that I'm not sure that I could sit through the whole film. I'm a bit of an A.D.D. when it comes to sitting through films anyway: more than 70 minutes and I get twitchy.