Thursday, June 03, 2010


Rue McLanahan has died today. The fabulous Southern belle who we all took to our hearts as slutty Golden Girl Blanche Deveraux had a stroke after some illness.

When I was younger, Friday nights were must see TV at 10 to watch these deliciously bitchy women throw insults, eat cheesecake and wear blowsy outfits and step out on the lenai at a moment's notice.

Blanche was my favourite, a spitfire who liked to get laid, she could charm an eskimo to buy ice in true Scarlett O'Hara style - she spoke of Big Daddy at the plantation and her horrid sisters whom she detested.

The men in her life were plentiful and her youthful looks and stunnin' good body kept her bedroom door like a revolving door at The Rusty Anchor. Blanche was the butt of jokes from Sophia and she managed to confuse Rose easily but that was part of her charm and the portrayal by Rue.

Other than The Golden Girls, I remember watching Rue in a recent comedy series of Sordid Lives - she was the matriarch of the family and every bit the Southern belle.

I'm off to watch a few classic episodes of The Golden Girls to see Blanche, Dorothy, Rose and Sophia do their stuff - Rue - I salute you!

Dorothy: Thers a man on our lawn
Blanche: Get the net!!

Blanche: Take it from me I wrote the book on dating:
Rose: really what's it called?
Blanche: it doesn't have a title you twit

Blanche: I've been rejected once
Dorothy: from who
Blanche: Weight Watchers for being too thin

Dorothy: Your just jealous because I have a date on a Saturday night and you don't!
Blanche: Saturday night? kids stuff get lucky on a tuesday morning then call me

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