Saturday, May 26, 2012


I'm more than one thousand percent sure that nobody will even pick up on my blog anymore since it's been since 2010 since I last rustled something up but like any good tv show - a return is always good and dramatic and can boost ratings. Facebook and Twitter and some things called instagram and 4 square do all sorts of check ins and photos and snippety things but I'm not the kind of person to be limited to 140 characters when a lot of them are exclamation marks. So much has happened in the world of HIGH CAMP CARESS MORELL. TV shows have been watched, places have been travelled and people seen. I'm like Glasgow's answer to - me or some other pop culture whore bag. I may never post again, though that would be rude considering last week I rewatched Flamingo Road with Joan Crawford. I even sneaked in an episode of the 80s soapie with Morgan Fairchild, Mark Harmon and David Selby although Joan in the movie is far more satisfying. Her eyebrows were growing nicely as she tries to pull off being a carnival girl, naturally after 48 minutes, she becomes swathed in mink and ready to be on the right side of the tracks. It was all terribly soapie but Joan gives good brow action and is really the only reason to watch. They don't make them like that any more. If they did, it would be Miley Cyrus uttering the infamous line "you have no idea how difficult hit is to get rid of a dead elephant"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O Lord our God, bestower of the blessings of the Swazi; We give Thee thanks for all our good fortune; We offer thanks and praise for our king; And for our fair land, its hills and rivers;