Surely one of the funniest characters ever immortalised on TV. Southern rich bitch Mary Cherry was the spawn of Miss Texas Cherry Cherry and Rupaul in 'Popular'!!! She was nuts, totally certifiable and a true Glamazon. She had the facial expressions of a drag queen and the best lines out. Totally tongue in cheek, she chewed the scenery like a nun having her first taste of cock and made this show even wilder and funnier than I thought was possible.
Here's a list of her best lines..........
Mary at her Glamazon audition - Do I have to do the splits? I'm a Christian....
Mary when on her period - Bring it on! Bring it on Lily... I know tae-bo
Mary reflects - God bless Brooke. And God bless meticulous skin care
Mary to her gay teacher - Let me just say on the record, that I love the gays.
Mr Bennett - Thanks Mary Cherry, we love you too
Mary goes a bit mad on PMS - Shut your dirty whore mouth, player player!!
Brooke to Mary Cherry - I don't have a horse
Mary - All in time, new best friend for friend for life, all in time
Mary has collagen implants - Sugar-D, look at my new lips! I'm one sexy poutin' LADY!
Mary's poor - Why oh why is poverty so complicated?!!!
Mary's modesty - I know you judges are all just jealous of my tight teen ass
Just Mary - For the first time, my sense of style has to override my Christian convictions. I would be betraying my oath as a Glamazon if I let you walk out of here looking like ten miles of bad road.
And that is why God should always be blessed for Mary Cherry!
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