Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I was finishing a rather hectic day in work today. I sometimes feel that I do too much work in that place whilst everyone around me saunters along. I'm keen to prove myself so am taking on loads of work which I know is good in the long run because it will prepare me for a promotion and the work involved in that but if I don't do my management bit and delegate some responsibility, I will be sure to crack under the pressure! I'm a bit anal (not that way dear reader) about doing things promptly so they're out of the way and I can move onto my next task although it's like a house of cards ready to collapse if I take my foot off the pedal. It's all terribly high octane stuff and reminds of the boardroom struggles of D & D Advertising in Melrose Place without the bitchiness - well some of it!!

So I was getting home on the tube and was happily listening to a bit of All Saints and then the Wicked Soundtrack and then some early 90s Madge circa Erotica. The tube can be the most awkward place for where to avert your gaze to so they have small ad banners above the seats so you don't have to look at the person directly facing you. I love looking at the person next to me - except today. Because the person sitting next to her was a tranny. Now in the West of Scotland, sometimes it's bad enough to be gay but as we all know, people have their prejudices and being a transvestite will cause more looks of disdain and disgust from the general public than a piece of dog shit. This woman in her 50s couldn't stop staring at the transvestite who was to be perfectly honest rather convincing other than the hint of a 5 0'clock shadow - it was 4.30 after all. She had lovely hair and manicured nails and tight white jeans, the only faux pas I could spot was the dodgy pair of chunky black heels she had on but we'll forgive her for that. The older lady kept on drawing her eyes up and down at the girl and was shaking her head a lot. I, in turn gave the lady a stern look and really felt like knocking this bitch's block off. Whatever happened to live and let live. I hate narrowminded people although I'm guilty of it myself. I personally think it takes a helluva lot of courage to change your sex and anyone who wants to go through with not only the medication and physical changes but also the mental and emotional upheaval should be applauded. And this girl was doing nothing wrong and kept herself to herself and held herself with such dignity. I can only imagine the torment the girl may have gone through in the past for her to get where she is today - so the point of all this is - snaps to the tranny with the fab figure but ugly ass shoes on the underground this afternoon at 4.30, she's paved the way for a more tolerant society and my message to anyone going through any sort of adversity/bullying/oppresion is - don't let those cunts get you down lady!!!

1 comment:

Lubin said...

I think that rather than giving out ASBOs, the government should make the offending people have to wear drag for 24 hours and be in public for most of that time. It'd be a great exercise in tolerance and diversity for them.

And they might pick up a few tips in fashion along the way.