Sunday, July 31, 2005


Well my lesbian cousin arrived on Friday night and I finally met her yesterday. I was playing host as my mum went to a wedding and so she and her girlfriend stayed at mine as I showed them around Glasgow and what it had to offer. My cousin is originally from New Zealand although has lived in London for 3 years, her lovaaar, Annalene is from South Africa and was simply charming. I didn't know what to expect really although was gobsmacked when I first saw her, she looked exactly like my other cousin who is her aunt, Glenda. My great Aunt Isobel emigrated 40 years ago to New Zealand with her husband and raised their three children, Glenda, Gloria and Grant. I think they like the initial 'G'. Anyway since then Isobel came back about 20 years ago and Glenda came back 8 years ago and then 2 years ago to mee all her family. Gloria who was the eldest had shitloads of kids all with fabulous names like Kylie, Taryn (who has just left my flat), Tammy, Dana, Shannon and Robert. Shannon died a few years ago in a heartbreaking story that Taryn was telling me last night. it felt strange because although I never knew her and she probably didn't know I existed, I felt how tragic a situation it was and was deeply moved as I guess that's the effect family has. So Taryn was saying how her sisters are all now having families of their own with THE most delighful semi exotic names that I think are pulled straight out of a daytime soapie. Kylie has three kids, Brody, Corey and Johanna. Dana has a daughter called Bailey and Tammy has two sons, Cullen and Carson. It's all just too fabulous for words!!

So Taryn and Annalene stayed at mine last night and I treated them to a night on the Glasgow tiles with my other sisters, David, Cam, Jon and Stewart. It was a fabulous night and I felt a good bond with Taryn who I'm sure I'll meet again soon. They're planning on going back to New Zealand to live after all the troubles in London recently it's made them re-evaluate their situation. Taryn's got a similar sense of humour and I loved regaling her with family stories and gossip which she lapped up. My only regret is that if they leave London in September as they plan to, I won't be able to hook up with them before they go. David loved Annalene's South African accent and before long was trying to pass himself off as a Cape Town native and for some reason he sounded more South African than Annalene did. Well we also managed to get the girls roaring drunk and I think they had a good time as today I showed them round the rest of the city as we people watched having a few drinks. It's taken 3 years for Taryn to come up from London and what was really nice was that last night she said she wished she'd come up sooner and it may have made her rethink her New Zealand plans, maybe it was the booze but I think I also mentioned about going over there sometime soon for a family visit. Glenda and I get on really well and for some reason I think people from New Zealand/Australia have a similar sense of humour to us British so I may just go Down Under and see what the land of Lord of the Rings has to offer my ring!

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