Thursday, September 07, 2006


Well I've just spent the night sitting with the family and watching my mother's fashion show. She goes out most weekends and buys tops and skirts and then parades in front of me and then takes back the duffers and keeps some of it. I guess it's my duty as the gay son to approve or disapprove what she wears and I'd be a very bad gay if I let my mother go out looking like a burst couch especially on her holiday cruises. I don't know if my dad understood everything I was talking about with regard to carriage and floating but he bought into it and was delighted by my choices nonetheless!

In work today, I was almost coerced into joining one of the unions. I'm not the greatest fan to be honest although the rep did his best to get me to join. I'm not political at all although have always thought unions were to do with the Labour party which is something I don't really fancy.

And there's a hot olderish man in work who gets me so wet. I saw him and his boyfriend out last week but he's fine and he keeps on coming through for more chats and seeing how I'm doing. I could be his new gay friend although I always get a bit flustered whenever he's around. But by god he gets me wet wet wet, if only he didn't have a boyfriend. Apparently on Saturday night we were chatting about fisting and he was quite happy to talk more about it just outside of work at lunchtime. Thankfully I had just gotten a sausage roll or I'd have nipped up the alleyway and sucked him off and taste his own sausage roll!

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