This is the first BD movie in the countdown and it certainly won't be the last. Miss Bette Davis is "The legendary actress as the most MERCILESS mother of them all!" So it says on the tagline for the movie.
The movie was produced in 1967 by Hammer Productions in the UK, renowned for their horror pictures with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. The Anniversary broke the mould as it's not your average horror movie. I was expecting some death or murder along the way but what follows is much worse.
The Taggart family meet up every year to celebrate Mr and Mrs Taggart's anniversary. Mr Taggart died years earlier and Mrs Taggart is now ruler of the roost in no uncertain terms. Her three sons are a bit bizarre. Henry has a penchant for ladies knickers and in a hilarious scene, he steals knickers from a neighbour's clothes line but replaces them with £10 notes as he feels guilty. Then there's Terry - he is full of pent up aggression and determined to leave his life with his mother behind for a new life in Canada with his wife Karen and their 5 children. Finally, Tommy who is the youngest and decides to bring his pregnant fiance, Shirley to the anniversary to announce their engagement. It sets the scene for Mrs Taggart to manipulate, scheme and cause general havoc for 90 minutes of the campest film you'll ever see.
Bette Davis wears an eye patch throughout so her one bulging eye has more character than the supporting actors put together although Sheila Hancock is superb as Terry's wife Karen. Her eye patch story reveals a deep dark secret in the Taggart family history that Mrs Taggart uses to her advantage. It's also revealed that she's been giving money to Karen for every child she has - in a bid to kill her as Karen has a heart condition and having more children could prove fatal. A good scene has a call come into the house and Mrs Taggart pretend to Karen and Terry that their children have been in a car crash - just for shits and giggles. It all goes a bit crazy as Bette destroys any chance her family have of happiness, even threatening to hand Henry and his knicker stealing habits over to the police. She finds out about Shirley's pregnancy so places her glass eye at Shirley's pillow in the hope of inducing a miscarriage - as you do. Just as the children feel they are finally free from the old witch, a cheeky plot twist ensures that Mrs Taggart still holds the trump card when it comes to her kids so they'll never be free.
It's really Bette's movie from start to finish. Most of the cast had played the parts onstage and Bette was brought into the film as a box office draw. She spouts vicious zingers with aplomb and her costumes are particularly crazy - each costume has a matching eye patch that sits rather jauntily on her face. She does everything with such style that you feel like you're in on the joke with Bette - especially when she's causing all sorts of problems which is generally every scene.
- Sheila Hancock and Bette Davis did NOT get on. According to the producer, this was down to Sheila's unhappiness at Bette being cast in the Mrs Taggart role.
- Bette had the director replaced with a new one she had worked with before.
- The production team had no say in Bette's wardrobe or hairstyle.
- Elaine Taylor played Shirley in the movie and she married Christopher Plummer (the captain from The Sound of Music)
- Bette wanted the family to be American but it was insisted that they stay British. Bette's clipped accent worked well.
KAREN - Henry's pushing 40, mum
MRS TAGGART - He happens to be waiting for the right girl Karen. Not like some I know who marry the first tart who winks them in to the nearest bed - eh Terry!?
MRS TAGGART - I've had 3 chicks of my own - only 3 I grant you Karen, but natural good manners told me when to put the plug in.
MRS TAGGART - I'm sorry we're not Roman Catholic. Henry would make a lovely pope.
MRS TAGGART - I don't think you are a good mother but it's not my place to say so.
MRS TAGGART - I keep on meaning to buy a new bed - when Tom has guests, I never get a good night's sleep, all that creaking.
MRS TAGGART - And now he's being lead off to Canada by that PREGNANT COW over there!
HENRY - I liked your slip - came from Marks and Spencer didn't it?
HENRY - I got a lot of Marks and Spencers!
HENRY - I got to lay those floorboards
KAREN - Make the most of it, it's the most you'll ever lay mate.
MRS TAGGART - You know you can't go out to dinner dressed like that - you know nylon brings you out in a rash.
SHIRLEY - I think Terry should go to Canada
SHIRLEY - Yes I do
MRS TAGGART - You're a bit of a cretin on the quiet aren't you?!
And my favourite of all..............
MRS TAGGART - Shirley my dear, would you mind sitting somewhere else? Body odour offends me.
1 comment:
Oh, my dear Caress! It's impossible to run out of good films to watch with a list like yours floatin' about. Thank you!
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