Saturday, May 10, 2008


It's the end of the TV season in America. It's been a disjointed season because of the writer's strike. Some shows have struck a chord like Gossip Girl although admittedly, I was one of the last to pick up on this little bitchy gem. Others like Ugly Betty have jumped the shark a bit. I downloaded an episode and found it all pretty blah - Vanessa Williams is the best thing in it and if Betty is going to moan or look pathetic at Henry one more time, I could smash up my laptop.

One show that is holding it's own is Desperate Housewives, I am hooked again. At the start of most TV seasons I go crazy and watch them all as soon as they air but then things get in the way and the scheduling in America annoys me when they go a few weeks without a new slice of TV or in this year's case, a few months without any more installments and I lose interest until the end of the season when plotlines heat up and all bets are off as to the fate of our favourite shows before the inevitable end of season cliffhanger. There will be death, marriage, threats, affairs and reveals all thrown in to the melting pot in the next few weeks. Desperate Housewives looks to be losing it's most colourful divorcee in Edie Britt (or is it) and what about the rumour that next season, the show will have fast forwarded 5 years???? Will Wisteria Lane be the same and will Nicolette Sheridan be part of it?? And what's Katherine Mayfair really all about? We find out next Sunday in a 2 part special....... I am making a concerted effort over the summer to pick up on Brothers and Sisters seasons 1 and 2 as I got hooked and then fell away from it. As for next year - what new shows will premiere? Anything soapy, sudsy and downright nasty will suit me fine.

The end of the season is coming and I can't wait!

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