Monday, May 19, 2008


Last night, I was looking around online and stumbled across a blog. Now I'm all for reading new blogs - so long as they are interesting to a point. This one wasn't - but it did have a point.

It was written by a guy that I've seen out and about and it just didn't appeal to me whatsoever - in fact, the language of it made me kind of detest it.

To put you in the picture, there was no swearing and the blogger had valid comments to make - however, I actually feel moved to write about how much it seemed kinda creepy. It was nothing sinister really - in the normal sense of the word - although it was one of the most sinister things ever. Does that make sense??!

So it's actually all about an organised group of young students/professionals (I think) who are all for Scotland to be nationalised and break away from the rest of the UK. The blogger is very passionate about this but it's something I'm totally against and that started me off. He kept on writing about how "we must do this" or "we must do that" and "why is this stopping Scotland becoming independent" and on and on until I clicked my browser and changed page.

It all just struck me as a bit militant and cultish. It's probably tainted by my views aswell. Actually I don't have much evidence to back up my feelings because you know how people who are politically minded love to challenge thoughts and beliefs. I don't have these - but I do know I'm right and that it would be a mistake for Scottish Nationalists to attempt devolution (which is soooo what they want to do).

I think this has a lot to do with people's upbringing and how proud they are to be Scottish. Now I'm as proud as the next person but my passport says I'm British and to be honest, that's reason number 1 for Scotland staying part of the UK - A flight to London will be International and I'm fucked if I'm going to spend an extra hour preparing for a trip at the airport!!

I changed the internet page but am still a bit disturbed that this blogger feels like starting a movement leading to independence. The only movements I have started recently with such fervour are those of the bowel and I hope it stays that way.

Like I said, I'm not politically minded but I say Hoop La La to the nationalism of Scotland - we're a United Kingdom and that's that! And to top if off, I decided to keep a record this week of what food I'm eating and how to improve my diet. I actually think I may have turned into Bridget Jones - without the granny pants.

1 comment:

deemacgee said...

Yeah, well, people have been talking about independence all over the place for centuries now, but when does it ever happen in the West? We're all too stoned on free trade and easy media to give a toss about drawing yet another line in the sand. If anything, countries are joining up. What's the difference between being part of the UK and part of the EU? There's always a bigger fish.