Monday, November 23, 2009


YES!! Christmas came early as This Caress Morell got to meet THE CARESS MORELL. At Memorabilia this year, Kate O'Mara was signing photos for fans and I took the opportunity to meet my favourite Dynasty actress.

I was seriously hyper ventilating as I spotted her from afar. She didn't look too rough at all and I screamed at some of my friends that Miss Caress Morell was in the building. I slowly made my way over and asked her to sign some classic Dynasty shots which she did. I then plucked up the courage to ask her about Dynasty. She said she loved it but the producers couldn't care less about her acting. They said they were "worried about her hair and that her lips looked good" Now this was golden info! I then asked about her time in Howard's Way which she absolutely adored and that she had a great time. My friend Gillian quizzed her about Bad Girls which she found terribly opressive as the set was like an actual prison and when she mentioned Kate's big starring role in Triangle, Miss O'Mara uttered "Oh, don't get me started on Triangle"

Finally I knew that with her being so frank I could ask one more question - Why did she leave Dynasty? Her reply - Well I had done two years and I think Joan wanted rid of me to be honest. I laughed slightly nervously to which she said "No, I'm being serious!" then she laughed aswell and I thanked her for her time.

It was possibly the most exciting 5 minutes I've had with my clothes on in ages. Kate O'Mara rocked my world!!


Old Cheeser said...

A very appropriate post! How exciting to meet your namesake. I have to say, the sight of Ms O'Mara sunbathing topless in the middle of a North Sea gale was probably her best acting moment i.e. she really DID have to pretend.

Anonymous said...

I've met her too, she's my favourite actress, she was so nice and was happy to sign my Howards Way DVD box, great to see a blog dedicated to Kate, loved her most in Howards Way.