Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This is me meeting up with the wonderful Louise Siversen who played Lou Kelly in Prisoner!

She was a real treat and so very candid about her time on the show.

It was my birthday yesterday and I spent it relaxing and spent it with my family. All very blah after partying too hard on Saturday and missing my birthday night out with more friends on Sunday - I was pathetic being sick as a dog as they all visited me in my room to watch me throw up into a pan. I am that classy. I'm off to London on Friday for a weekend of theatre and partying so will have more to update but simply had to show my photo of Louise!

1 comment:

Old Cheeser said...

She actually looks better than she did in Prisoner - and that was over 20 years ago!! What's the lady's secret? Apply the laundry room steam press behind each ear? Lou Kelly was definitely an out and out bitch - got to say Louise's current hairstyle is a massive improvement on her mullet of yore.

Congratulations on your 600th blogging post btw - keep it up, Mister.